
The truth are inside of the pictures

Nov 22, 2010

iCity 8th November 2010

I love hanging out with my friends. At 8th November, Me, Azliza, Alia and Cikin are went to iCity Shah Alam at 10 pm. I have free time at the daytime(Saturday). I just sit at home and waiting them to call. Yesterday, Alia got Over Time work until 10 pm. Azliza also working in weekend. Only me and cikin not doing anything (maybe). But,definitely I am fully rest at home. I just playing games online, watching TV, and eat.

At 9 pm, Alia SMS me and said "Siap-siap. Aku dah On the way ke rumah kau". I ask her to come pick me at home because I have problem with my car. Alia using Produa Viva. She pick me up first because she is from Kajang. Than next she pick up Azliza and Cikin at Serdang. Than we all moving to Shah Alam.

Actually, our first planning is going to Up Town Cheras, makan steam boat. But, it cancel at last minute because got Hot FM Nite Jamm. But it was very sad because the Event just finish. We was there at 1 am at Sunday. So we just walk around there and take a photo.

Ughhh have a lot of lighting there. So nice la. Hahaha.

Next, we don't do anything there except, laughing, take photo and talking. We visit to all place there and also shot the photo. The place so nice for date. ICity is located in section 7 Shah Alam, near the back gate of UiTM. There a lot of shop here including of restaurants, souvenirs, and junks shop(xD). I remembered that time, me, Alia, Cikin and Azliza going to souvenir shop. I was made a mistakes. Only me and Cikin know what happened. There are 1 woman with a cute face sitting at the shop front door. She using cekak rambut rabbit and her teeth is really really like rabbit ( :B ) . Oh My God! 100% like Rabbit. Than Iam going a little bit far from that place and whispering laugh. I just whispered Cikin about her. When I turn my face back that woman was moving. I bet she heard me. Damn! I felt guilty. But that is the truth. I don't care.

Guys! You all want to see the mostly crazier girls in this world? Here they are! Hahahha. Don't angry eh

Ok, after we going around and play some light, we all gossip about the environment
and people around there. That's are we if you all want to know. But don't judge a book by its cover. We are kind actually. Just we got a little bit big mouth.

The clock is almost at 2 am, we take our own pictures using the timing. After I set the time (12 sec), and I run to the snap point. Suddenly Azliza shouted...." Damn! Semut Api! Sakit siot!" Than we all indefinite run-way, avoided from bitten by ants. That's really chaos!

Lastly, we go back like 2 am. We planning to stay at Mardi. Alia is holding dorm room's key. There are just a small hotel. Actually its especially for functions. But, if UPM got no functions, there room can be stayed.

We all so sleepy. Alia was driving back to Mardi. Azliza and Cikin was sleep at the back and I had to be loyal co-drive even my eyes feel so heavy. Alia..bertuah ko ada aku! :D. So thats all for today. Hope you all enjoy to read about our journey. Special thanks to Norazliza Zainal Kamarudin, Nur Alia Zulkapli and NorAsyikin Nizam.