
The truth are inside of the pictures

Jun 29, 2013

New life like a reborn

Assalammualaikum. After being silent from my blog, I guess now I need to start again. There is a lot of things to do instead of concentrate of my master study, part time as private art tuition teacher, take care of my father from destitute of his diabetes disease and so on. Business and interest must go on. Well, I am changing now.. you guys want to see me...
My experience made me change my life. Beside that, my boyfriend now has prepare for our relationship to be more serious. I mean, we are serious for a long time ago, just we don't have a preparation to get engage or wedding yet. But now he return my spirit and believe in our relationship. Thanks to Allah. I believe there is something secret bless or gift from Allah to us beside on what happened no matter good or bad in recent. So hopefully you guys will prays us to have happily ever after. Thank you