
The truth are inside of the pictures

Nov 18, 2013

Menghadkan penggunaan kereta selama 7 hari.

Dalam membaca pelbagai isu yang terjadi di Internet, ada la satu isu yang saya terbaca tentang "America Dollar VS India Dollar". Ada seorang penulis page dalam facebook yang buat kajian tentang ekonomi Amerika. Semamangnya beliau sedang menulis permasalahan yang berlaku dalam krisis ekonomi India, tapi selepas di teliti ia bukan sahaja ekonomi di India, malahan ia berkaitan juga dengan ekonomi negara kita di mana penyaluran sumber ekonomi yang terbesar kepada Amerika adalah minyak kenderaan. Negara Malaysia sibuk dengan kempen memboikot barangan Israel dan Amerika, lepas tu dengan isu harga kereta dan minyak yang tinggi tapi haruslah kita kaji bahawa lagi besar kereta yang kita pakai, lagi banyak minya digunakan dan lagi banyaklah keuntungan yang disalurkan kepada Amerika. Adakah mereka menganggap Dollar itu sangat bernilai kepada mereka? Sejak 1970 dulu lagi Amerika telah berhenti menilai dollar dengan emas. Bagi mereka, wang kertas dollar hanya sekadar kertas yang di cetak.

"The U.S. Dollar has lost 80% of its value since 1971. Fixing the value of the dollar to a weight unit of gold is the best way to give a stable value to the dollar over the long run. The gold standard creates a stable dollar." rujukan sila click sini

Apa yang kita tahu pula, Arab Saudi merupakan pengeluar petroleum ke 2 terbesar yang di export ke Amerika selain Canada.

"Saudi Arabia exported an average of 1.4 million bbl/d of total petroleum liquids to the United States through the first 10 months of 2012 (up from 1.2 million bbl/d for calendar year 2011), accounting for 16 percent of total U.S. crude oil imports. Saudi Arabia ranked second after Canada during that time as a petroleum exporter to the United States. sila rujuk disini

Dari sini kita boleh lihat hubungan antara Arab Saudi dan Amerika telah terjalin dan rapat kira-kira sejak 1930an dulu. Kerajaan Arab Saudi menjalinkan hubungan keselamatan raja-raja dan bala tenteranya dan digantikan sebagai rakan kongsi petroleum. Lihat website ini

Bagi permasalahan negara kita tentang harga minyak tinggi, harga kereta naik, sedangkan masih lagi ramai yang membeli kereta baru dan bukan sahaja kereta yang sederhana dan juga memboikot barangan-barangan yang diimport dari barat. Adakah ia berkesan? Berapa peratus sahaja rakyat yang benar-benar menjalankan kempen ini? Tetapi adakah kita lihat penggunaan kenderan setiap hari, walaupun destenasinya hanya selangkah dari rumah (kedai runcit, kedai topup, dsb) pun masih mahu menggunakan kereta. Ada juga yang membuang masa pergi melepak dan hanya mahu menunjuk-nunjuk betapa hebatnya kereta mereka. Tapi kita lupa wang yang kita salurkan untuk minyak kereta itu pergi ke mana? Memang kita mempunyai petroleoum kita sendiri seperti Petron atau Petronas. Tetapi berapa peratus sahaja rakyat yang menggunakan minyak dari syarikat tempatan? dan berapa ramai pula yang menggunakan syarikat luar seperti SHELL? Ini bukanlah masalah harga minyak naik atau harga kereta tinggi atau tidak membeli barangan tempatan.

Aug 13, 2013

Hari Raya Aidilfitri 2013

my first brother's family, little brother and parents.


My first Hari Raya I felt reborn and joyed. This is my first time in Hari Raya that I bought Jubah and I wore shawl. Actually not me who bought jubah, it was my mama bought it for me. Thanks mama. Even my abah's leg still not fully healed but we still celebrate with full of meaning. After many present to the knowledge and Tazkirah during Ramadan Terawikh, I got a bit of knowledge about the true Ramadan and Syawal. This is really good and better than I dont know anything about it. So, I celebrate it only minimally even I have 2 new clothes because first, I really want to have my own jubah. Second, because I have a piece of cloth that has not been used bought from Beijing a years ago. I asked Moja to spend for me to sewed baju kurung from that fabric.

me and jubah

Ok, its nothing for me to share more. Just hoping you enjoy with Hari Raya and SELAMAT HARI RAYA MAAF ZAHIR DAN BATIN from me, Cumie and family.

Jul 18, 2013

Hijab for me

Assalammualaikum for all my readers. Today I would like to share about my experience in changing my life to Hijab (cover my head part). This writing is more to religious but I hope that you will not miss-understanding because this is base on my experience and not for the arguments. The question is... How do I change to Hijab?
And tell the believing women to reduce [some] of their vision and guard their private parts and not expose their adornment except that which [necessarily] appears thereof and to wrap [a portion of] their head covers over their chests and not expose their adornment except to their husbands, their fathers, their husbands' fathers, their sons, their husbands' sons, their brothers, their brothers' sons, their sisters' sons, their women, that which their right hands possess, or those male attendants having no physical desire, or children who are not yet aware of the private aspects of women. And let them not stamp their feet to make known what they conceal of their adornment. And turn to Allah in repentance, all of you, O believers, that you might succeed.
(Surah an-Nur verse 31)

Firstly, I want to emphasize that we must cover our self as a Muslim or even can't says "NO" or "NEVER". There are 2 types of people in this life, 1 is a good and 1 is a bad. As a people, we should know the characters of these people. Allah s.w.t gift brain to human to be smart on thinking but not to judging. The judgement on a person only will occur in the judgement day (kiamat). As a teacher (in Arabic called ustaz or ustazah) assigned to advise a person to do good but not to judging. So my experience is, I have a several good friend who really support me in changing my life. Before this, seriously I seldom to accept for any advises because people keep talking a negative perception about myself. It is like forcing, humiliation and I never heard something that really inspired me. I am understand for people who are never cover them self (woman + Hijab) for the whole life from children until they changed. Even me, I am 27 years old and since child I never feel want to change. But now alhamdulillah...

Back to my friends topic. First my friend said :
"We know Hijab is a law for us in Islam. For me, I don't like to force my friend but I belief that you will change one day InsyaAllah . However, I respect you even you have not cover your self yet, but never forget your prayer and care what you wear."
This is one of the good advise from my friend which is really make my spirited up. As a fact to people who is not cover them self yet or do the things that are forbidden by Allah s.w.t, for them is hard to receive for several advise or even they accept but in their heart said something synonym about it (depends on how the advise is). So the type of people like me, we should encourage them to change, give them chance to cure them self, and always praise them that they do good things such as keep praying, give alms, not stingy, not arrogant, care what their wear and so on. In al-Quran verse wrote :
O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to bring down over themselves [part] of their outer garments. That is more suitable that they will be known and not be abused. And ever is Allah Forgiving and Merciful. (Surah al- ahzab verse 59)

So, this will make them feel like appreciated and there are still people who looked of kindness. I give an example. To raise the spirit of the child in toward success are with an absorption the words of praising what they done such as "You did a good job" "Wow, what you did is really awesome" "I know you can do it" "It is so wonderful" "You're one of the best" and so on. In psychology term, the words of praising will inspire someone to move forward because they think they can do it and also will raise the confident in one's self.

Second my friend had shared a story to us and she said :

"I have a story about 2 women which is 1 who wearing hijab and one who not. A man of Allah asked for the first woman, "Why do you cover your head?" And she answered "I don't want to have a sins because not covering my head and I want to protect my dignity." Than, a man of Allah asked for the second woman, "If one day you will change yourself InsyaAllah to hijab and why do you cover it?" And she answered, "With Nawaitu (نـَوَيْتُ) means intend or purpose to cover my self InsyaAllah for the sake of Allah and to please Him.

For the moral of the story, Nawaitu is an intention to do something because of Allah for acceptable provided we doing in worship. Sincerely in our purpose indirectly increase the value and quality of our Iman (faith). Keep our intentions in the beginning, middle and end of each work will help us to stay focused and motivated. As a result, we will finish our work on time and the result will be the best. So our Nawaitu is very important to start what we doing. Back to the topic, my perception, sins is not only come from without covering body part. It is depend on our self which mean it can be from eyes, ears, finger or hand, feet, mouth, body, behavior, speech and so on. So, after I heard what my friend said it had inspired my self to put my intention above why I want to change. My nawaitu for hijab is not a reason to avoid from sins, but it is for faith. Faith is everything to clean our mind, body and soul.

I got this from facebook page click this link

Tazkirah Ramadhan: Jangan anggap KITA LEBIH

Sehebat mana kita, atau sejauhmana cemerlang kita....janganlah kita selalu menganggap diri kita sentiasa LEBIH!!!!!!

Kita diciptakan oleh maha Pencipta iaitu Allah s.w.t di dunia ini adalah untuk saling bantu-membantu.kita ibarat seperti jari-jari tangan kita, ada yang panjang, ada yang pendek..ada yang kecil, ada yang besar. Setiap satu masing-masing mempunyai peranan untuk kita mengambil atau memegang makanan. Oleh itu jika hilang satu di antara jari kita, maka agak sukarlah kita mengambil makanan...begitulah ibaratnya kita masing-masing mempunyai kelebihan tersendiri..bukan sentiasa lebih daripada orang lain.

Terdapat beberapa panduan yang digariskan oleh Imam Al-Ghazali supaya kita tidak bersifat sombong dan angkuh sementara berada di muka bumi Allah ini.

1. Jika berjumpa dengan kanak-kanak , anggaplah kanak-kanak itu lebih mulia daripada kita. Ini kerana kanak-kanak ini belum melakukan dosa, sedangkan kita entah berapa banyak berdosa sesama manusia dan kepada Allah s.w.t.

2. Bila bertemu dengan orang yang lebih tua, anggaplah mereka lebih mulia daripada kita. Ini kerana mereka sudah lama beribadat dan sudah banyak pengetahuan dan pengalaman daripada kita.

3. Jika berjumpa dengan orang alim, anggaplah dia lebih mulia daripada kita. Ini kerana dia mempunyai banyak ilmu yang telah dipelajari dan diketahui daripada kita.

4. Bila melihat orang yang jahil, anggaplah dia lebih mulia daripada kita. Ini kerana dia membuat dosa dalam keadaan dia jahil. Sedangkan kita membuat dosa dalam keadaan kita mengetahuinya.

5. Jika melihat orang yang jahat, janganlah anggap kita lebih mulia daripada dia. Ini kerana mungkin suatu hari nanti dia akan menyesal dan insaf serta bertaubat atas kesalahannya.

6. Apabila bertemu dengan orang kafir, katakan dalam hati kita bahawa mungkin pada suatu hari nanti dia akan diberi hidayah oleh Allah dan akan memeluk Agama Islam. Maka segala dosanya akan diampunkan oleh Allah...sedangkan kita.....

Justeru itu..sebagai peringatan kepoada diri saya dan kepada saudara semua...janganlah kita selalu menganggap KITA SELALU LEBIH...astagafirullahhalazim

Sumber Artikel: @Zaitun Rambli

Please see the translation for the English

Before I end up my writing, I want to say thank you for my friends, Feeza and Syahadah (Kak yong) accidently inspired my self to change even it is sound not really like advising but sharing story. Sharing is caring isn't? So, Alhamdulillah.. I change because of my self and for the sake of Allah. I don't care about fashion or style. What I care is I need a faith to bring my self success and happiness in this world and the hereafter, InsyaAllah. Allahualam and thank you for read.

Jul 11, 2013

Digital Islamic Ornament by using Cempaka and Rafflesia flower as a motif.

Assalammualaikum all of you. Today I am going to share my research about a Digital of Islamic Ornament that I had design last time. The motif are came from two type of Malaysian flowers it is Cempaka and Rafflesia. This idea get when I do an observation on P.Ramlee and it is attracted me with the name of flowers that used to the character's name in most of his film. I did some of the flower sketches but Cempaka and Rafflesia were attracted me to proceed it to became Ornament motif. Here is the progress,
Cempaka Image
Rafflesia Image
Cempaka Progress
Sketch Idea
Vector Drawing
Apply Color
Color Study
Rafflesia Progress
Sketch Idea
Vector Drawing
Apply Color
Color Study
After doing all this proses, here we are the final of motif
Than, I proceed it to become and Islamic Ornament by combine together
Done for today and thank you for read.

Jul 10, 2013

Life in Beijing.

Assalammualaikum. I can't forget my experiences when i was in Beijing, China on 27th October 2012. It is a really nice place to go. I will share my story about Beijing. Beijing is a working town which is mostly citizens are always busy with working. They seem like have no time to hanging out.. (maybe) with friends like what we do now in here. I don't see any people stop by for chatting in a sideways or any shop. But the best thing is, the condition are really cold and comfort. I wish to go there again with my future husband and family. Ya Allah....I really miss the day and I really hope that I have chance to go there again with people that I love so much in my life. Insya'Allah (with the consent of Allah). Okey, here we are an airport of Beijing. When we arrived, we are happy to welcome to Beijing by a tour Guide name Lina.
Before I continue to the next place, let me share a view from hotel that we stay during our visiting to Beijing.
After that, here the first place we visited, Tianmen Square and this place also is the former site of the Olympic Games in Beijing 2008. But before we go to the Olympic place, we stop for have our breakfast at Muslim Restaurant. It's look likes food are not enough for us because they served a plate of food is limited and there have 10 sitters in 1 table. The food their cooked a bit hot and a lot of vegetable mostly. We have bread, hot fried rice, french fries, vegetable, and omelette and also as usual, Chinese tea as a daily beverage.
After we finish our breakfast, we went to Tianmen Square which is right in the middle of the city.
one of my best friend Rushana
Old my self.
the stall selling souvenirs
me, lola, and fyrose
After we visited a few places in Beijing city like mosques and sales outlets, then we went to watched an acrobatic show on the stage which place in the middle of Beijing city as well. In the meantime, a mishap has occurred where I had lost my wallet and money during the performance. I don't know either accidentally dropped my wallet or someone took it when I was in the place because the place less of light while the performance. I felt so sad, cried and I don't know what to do that time. But Alhamdulillah, all members including my lectures Dr. Noni and Dr. Rozaika had supported me and made me calm. Dr. Noni had gave me 100 yuan. Thank You Dr. Noni, I will never forget your helped. Than I called my mom and told everything. She so worried and also sent me again 600 yuan used Lina's bank account. Thanks too to my mama.
I was in Beijing for 5 days and 6 nights which means we stay there until 2 November 2012. Well, it is take too long to me to write all about my experiences so I will just make a short and write about the important places for me it is very interesting. First, I want to tell about a forbidden city which placed across the street of Tianmen Square. We walked along the city for more than 2 hours non stop. But, the cold condition safe us from feel tired.

Read this to get more information History of Forbidden City A brief history of the Forbidden City and its important part Wu Men Gate.

Post-Graduate students of UiTM from Department of History of Art, Fine Art and Fashion
Dr.Rozaika and Dr. Noni
creative panda
lola and her camera
the tour photographer
End of Forbidden city story. Now we move to the 798 Street which place of heaven for World Artist. This place are really cool. We had requested to visit Art place and the tour company was agreed with that. There are a lot of painting around the world that we can use as our observation for Thesis here. Beside that, 798 street also had sales a nice sketch book, pens and souvenirs.
We went to the 798 street for 2 days. I wish I can come again and do some art there. SubhanAllah, this place is really beautiful. I felt like so comfort, harmony and happy when I was there. I don't know how to explain my happiness to all of you. I have 1 message for my incoming fiancee, "B, cepat-cepatlah kite kawin. Boleh kite g lawat dekat tempat ni..." For more information about 798 street,

Please visit this page798 SPACEe.

Next, we go to Tsinghua University for visiting Art and Design Department. Mostly of students are doing technical study such as ceramic, design technology, Fine Art, Jewellery, and so on. The art studio space are really big for them to do their project and also the facilities is very satisfied. I can't imagine how if I am in their shoes. All students must be happy. But we still be grateful with all the facilities that our University (UiTM) provided. We are very excited with all products had been produced by them but we still believe in our self that we can do more than them. Malaysian students are talented. Well, Tsinghua student are used bicycle as a transportation. They have no Facebook, twitter, or any media cyber to used as entertainment. Sometimes I am thinking about no Facebook in Malaysia will make our country focus on works. But maybe without that, we will face with outdated culture because now a days everything is from media cyber. Sometimes media cyber are more fast to convey information from media mass. Allahualam.
End of Tsinghua University. Now let see what I can share more to my reader. Oh ya, last about Great Wall of China. This place made me so scare. For your information, I am very afraid and vertigo of heights place. But my spirits ask me to go there. Well, people said Great Wall of China is one of the seven wonders of the world. Beside that, people kept said the place was really magical with construction of the longest and highest wall in the world. By the way, did you know the history of Great Wall of China? "Qin Dynasty Construction Though the beginning of the Great Wall of China can be traced to the third century B.C., many of the fortifications included in the wall date from hundreds of years earlier, when China was divided into a number of individual kingdoms during the so-called Warring States Period. Around 220 B.C., Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of a unified China, ordered that earlier fortifications between states be removed and a number of existing walls along the northern border be joined into a single system that would extend for more than 10,000 li (a li is about one-third of a mile) and protect China against attacks from the north. Construction of the “Wan Li Chang Cheng,” or 10,000-Li-Long Wall, was one of the most ambitious building projects ever undertaken by any civilization. The famous Chinese general Meng Tian directed the project, and was said to have used a massive army of soldiers, convicts and commoners as workers. Made mostly of earth and stone, the wall stretched from the China Sea port of Shanhaiguan over 3,000 miles west into Gansu province. In some strategic areas, sections of the wall overlapped for maximum security (including the Badaling stretch, north of Beijing, that was later restored by the Ming dynasty). From a base of 15 to 50 feet, the Great Wall rose some 15-30 feet high and was topped by ramparts 12 feet or higher; guard towers were distributed at intervals along it."

source from History of Great Wall of China.

DID YOU KNOW : When Emperor Qin Shi Huang ordered construction of the Great Wall around 221 B.C., the labor force that built the wall was made up largely of soldiers and convicts. It is said that as many as 400,000 people died during the wall's construction; many of these workers were buried within the wall itself. So, for me Great Wall of China is a horrible and sad place. General had killed his men to force them in constructed the wall. So sad...
There are still have more nice place I had visited. But those I share here is the most place nice for me. So hopefully I will go visit Beijing again and after this with my family. InsyaAllah. Ok guys, I end up with Wassalam. Hope you guys enjoy with this journey. Thank you.