
The truth are inside of the pictures

Mar 28, 2011

Activities of Mukhlis Aimar

Day One

During weekend, is nothing to do about. So bosan-bosan try la my new camera Nikon D3100. So I took Aimar as my model. He is photogernic. Setiap gambar dia mesti jadi add dengan lighting and composition yang menarik, so lagi cantik la jadinya. The location is my house and during the light day around pukul 3.00 ke 4.00 petang. Im trying to do a lot of composition suapaya gambar lebih nampak creative and not boring. It is because my tajuk is Aimar and not others.

Eye level and close up.

Bird eye view and close up.

Oblique angle and close up.

Day Two

Untuk hari berikutnya I kept shooting on Aimar's activities. Lastly I have my own nice camera. So tak perlu risau lagi. My last compact Olympus camera I gave to my little brother. He need it. Tapi camera tu pun banyak berjasa. That is my camera yang buat first wedding work. Its crazy right? Lot of people going to wedding photo shot with good camera but me just a normal compact camera. Dengan adanya knowledge untuk editing picture so banyak membantu dalam part time jobs ni. Than, dengan beraninya I loan dulu dengan my mom's untuk beli 1 set Nikon Camera + Externel flash + 50mm lense. Mybe next time I nak angkat AF-S DX NIKKOR 55-300mm f/4.5-5.6G ED VR lense. This one is for Nikon D3100. Because I just know that Nikon D3100 boleh guna lense yang ada VR sahaja. (VR : Vibration Deduction). No wonder picture D3100 nice. Lense yang ada VR usually mahal than normal lense. If beli lense without VR type, so D3100 cannot auto and zoom. But its ok. I suka lagi guna manual than auto lense. Ada budget I beli lense VR yang untuk zooming and close up tu.

Eye View and Medium Shot

Oblique angle and Medium Shot

Close up view

Day Three

Seterusnya I just catch photo Aimar by my phone, Nokia E5 than try my editing 100% cause you know right, camera handphone just normal only.

Photographer & Editing : Ms Donat

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