
The truth are inside of the pictures

Apr 1, 2011

Mieza & Zul Book story

This couple is married at 5 February 2011 at Kedah. I work with 1 guy name Firdaus Yusoff. He got shooting and I was edit the pictured to make story book. Story book start with the story of wedding ceremony, which is the situation of the ceremony. I selec a photos to create a one-story than start to edit the photos and put in 1 book album.

I wasn't there while Firdous Yusoff got shoot the photo . So my job just editing photo. The selection of photo was a time consuming, than after finish the editing I was sent the file to make printed to be story book album .Finally.....
I prefer to all customers to make a story book because it is once in the life (if 1 times married.. hehe)
So, if someone interest in this album I will provide the best package and price.The price can be negotiated. Do contact me for any discussion. Thank You


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