
The truth are inside of the pictures

Oct 18, 2011

Wedding book of Wan Fariduddin and Siti Aishah

This time i was designed a story book for this wedding couple Mohd Fariduddin and Siti Aishah. Although I am not the photographer for these wedding, but I took the photos from photographer and design for the Story Book. Lucky I had experiences in organizing photo inside of story book. The photographer was worried if i can't organize their wedding stories. But no problem, everything just consider it done. But I am very sorry to the owner because this album take a much time to done it because I have my current job to finish first. Ya, as a teacher is a great responsibility to do. I apologize for the inconvenience caused.


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Pesanan kepada Wan Fariduddin and wife : "Semoga korang bahagia selamanya dan dipanjangkan usia. Jauhkanlah dari segala kesulitan hidup dan perkara-perkara yang tak diingini. Dan yang paling penting, semoga korang dapat anak-anak yang comel. Doa-doalah kami cepat kahwin ya"

Special from : Me & Moja

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